July 2023 WIL (Work Integrated Learning) program
July 14, 2023
At JDR Software, we feel it’s important to contribute to the Higher Education industry in any way we can. We have 4 July 2023 WIL (Work Integrated Learning) participants from Deakin University and RMIT.

July 2023 WIL Student – Nandini
Always looking to expand on her skills, Nandini actually started with JDR Software as a casual employee during her Summer break. She impressed with her work in the testing team for Schedule Plus. When the opportunity arose to do her WIL placement with us this year we were thrilled to be able to offer her that opportunity. Having already spent almost half a year with us, Nandini has also had the opportunity to hone her skills and transfer them to working on Rooms Plus. Continuing to work in the Testing team she is appreciative that testing helps develop a perspective that might be missed out otherwise.
Nandini is in her penultimate year of studying for a Bachelor of Software Engineering at Deakin University.
While working here, Nandini has had the opportunity to collaborate with our experienced team of software developers. She’s been exposed to valuable insights and appreciates the mentorship she has experienced thus far. During her time here she has enhanced her problem-solving skills and is learning and observing best practices in software engineering.
She is starting her journey towards becoming a Software Engineer and we are pleased to hear:
“So far I have had an amazing journey here at JDR!”

July 2023 WIL Student – Dario
For as long as he can remember, Dario has enjoyed tinkering with electronics. Trying to figure out how they work, breaking and fixing things to gain a better understanding of the mechanics. This is probably what led him to initially chose to study a Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. It wasn’t long however, before the world of coding and all the endless possibilities it creates caught his attention. He switched to a Bachelor of Software Engineering at RMIT. And he’s not looked back!
Dario is enjoying the opportunity to get work experience within a software development company. Having the chance to apply the theory of his university studies to an actual workplace suits this history buff. Having started at an exciting time during the SDLC at JDR Software with the next release of Allocate Plus imminent, Dario has had the opportunity to experience and be a valuable contributor to both the Allocate Plus and Schedule Plus testing cycles (slightly different from his regular contribution to his other ‘cycle’ passion as secretary of the RMIT cycling club!)

July 2023 WIL Student – Pushkar
Pushkar is a problem-solver. As a child he enjoyed solving complex puzzles and problems. So naturally that led to him choosing Computer Science as his undergraduate degree. Deciding this is definitely the area he would like to work in, Pushkar is now in the final trimester of study at Deakin University. He will graduate with a Master of Cyber Security. Pushkar has always surrounded himself with technology. Whether it was a laptop or computer game, always wanting to decipher a puzzle. His desire to constantly challenge his brain extends to his downtime, with mystery novels keeping him guessing or being intrigued and fascinated by the advances in VR, particularly in gaming.
Having the opportunity to complete his WIL unit at JDR Software is giving Pushkar exposure to team work in a corporate environment. Becoming a member of the Allocate Plus Testing team, Pushkar is helping us whittle out the last of the bugs before our next release. He is gaining a real-life appreciation for the rigorous QA processes here in order to deliver a quality product.
Ultimately Pushkar wants work in an environment where he can to apply his problem solving IT skills and knowledge.

July 2023 WIL Student – Kulzum
Kulzum is a final year Bachelor of Computer Science student at Deakin University. The course has paved the way for Kulzum to start to use her knowledge and technical skills. Aiming to design and develop software solutions to address the real-world technology problems, she is being exposed to those currently being worked on here at JDR Software. Kulzum is getting the opportunity to work across a number of the teams here as a Junior Test Engineer during her WIL placement. The WIL program allows her to improve her employability skills, communication, teamwork and self-management.
Chasing down solutions to problems for as long as she can remember, she has always been a very technical person. Kulzum is taking advantage of her WIL placement to learn about the different roles within a SW Development organisation. Her ultimate goal to become a Software Architect.
The JDR Software team wish Nandini, Dario, Pushkar and Kulzum every success during their July 2023 WIL placement here with us.
We regularly offer WIL positions to high-achieving, enthusiastic, and motivated students in their final year of study. Keep an eye on our news stories to see who we have joining us next.