Industry Placement with Deakin University’s Work Integrated Learning Team

September 13, 2024
Deakin WIL student at JDR Software.

Now in it’s forth year, the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) industry placement with Deakin University is a program designed to help students maximise their employability upon graduation. JDR Software is pleased to assist these bright students with experiences that empower them to enhance their employability skills. We are continually impressed with the quality of the students we see come through the program.  We aim to provide students with an opportunity to develop real-world professional skills and attributes, build networks and gain industry exposure.

Recently we had a visit from Deakin University’s marketing team, where they did some filming to feature one of our current WIL students.

The Deakin Industry placement video in the making!

The Deakin Industry placement video in the making!


Deakin WIL student at JDR Software.

An outtake from the final product.

The final cut:


We look forward to continuing this partnership with Deakin and witnessing more success stories in the future!

Are you looking for an internship? Get in touch now.




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