Meet one of our “ASE” team members!
May 16, 2022
I enable you to solve problems with the click of a button with the Autoschedule Engine (ASE)
Meet Dr Behrooz – integral to the development of Schedule Plus! Dr Behrooz has led the development of our very own Autoschedule Engine, or ASE.
I am particularly interested in using evolutionary computation to solve the most challenging real-world problems such as scheduling, timetabling and routing, transportation and minimum cost flow problems.”
We’re really proud of the newest scheduling addition to the JDR Software PLUS Suite – Schedule Plus. And we’re equally proud of the work being done behind the scenes to bring this innovative, class-leading solution to market.
Dr Behrooz is part of the development team behind the Autoschedule Engine (which we think is ASE!). A methodology that respects all the rules and preferences put into the scheduling system.
Our vision is that Schedule Plus will transform the role of the Timetabler. Allowing staff members to spend more of their time adding valuable insights to intuitions by translating pedagogical requirements into rules and constraints. Using their insights gained from working with Schedule Plus to implement business strategies and policies, creating efficiencies.
With less time spent untangling complex issues or dropping individual activities onto a timetabling grid to try and achieve a workable schedule.
Take a look at Dr Behrooz’s journey.